If we are to unite the progressive elements in Canada into one social democratic, environmentally conscious political party, what will be our logo? Think Green Democratic Party of Canada, GDP Canada, GDPC, Green Democrats and other versions of the name that would work in media and on swag.
For now, please post any links to sketches or finished designs in the Comments section if you want to get a head start, otherwise Bookmark this page in your Favorites, as we hope to set up an email address for logos soon. Strictly pro bono, no fees, no royalties, as we do not want a merged NDP / Green Party of Canada to have unnecessary expenses.

This is a great opportunity for any young designer in the world to view and learn NDP and Green Party graphics, logos and symbols, and come up with seamless, iconic imagery that melds the two traditions, creating new branding exemplifying social justice and ecological awareness.
Need inspiration? Google or Bing "green party of canada logo" and "ndp canada logo" and click Images from the top bar choices. Open two browser windows so you can click back and forth between the two pages of images.
Create something that builds on these crucial Canadian pillars. Orange and green, anyone?
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