There are two major problems with the shallow, toxic consumer society being fostered upon citizens by multinational corporate giants:
A) Destruction of Earth - Unsustainable industrial activity destroys the very foundations of our food, water and air, and the Green Party has been and is best at addressing these accelerating ecological issues.
B) Destruction of Equity - Unsustainable corporate pay scales (plus lack of re-investment, shareholder dividends) destroy our towns and communities by paying workers a less than liveable wage, and diverting dividends and re-investment dollars into extreme executive compensation. The New Democratic Party has been and is the best at addressing these deepening social issues.
It would seem both prudent and wise for all of us to work hard and expedite this merger of the two progressive political forces in Canada. We have been the gadfly long enough, and it is now time to take the reins of power.
Ladies: The Age of Civil Disobedience and Nonviolence is here
Sisters and Mothers, Daughters and Grand-daughters: When you are certain of what you want, take your pots and pans to the busiest intersection in your town or city. These tactics have been successful in previous suffrage and human rights movements.
In the context of the proposed forthcoming merger of the New Democratic Party and the Green Party in Canada, I will proclaim that the initiative will gather momentum and breathe life and energy into the Canadian political landscape, and this will occur because female NDPer's and Greens will form an unbreakable bond and convince their families and friends to support the new major political force in Canada, the Green Democratic Party.
2011 elections, vote strategically; 2012 and beyond, Unite!
As we are now in the thick of a federal election, and with a provincial election scheduled for Ontario this Autumn, in the near-term everyone would be best to consider strategic voting as a temporary tactic. Here are a few links to help you decide who to support:
Join the New Democratic Party of Canada
Donate online to the NDP Party in Canada
Join and/or make online donation to Green Party of Canada
Future home of the Green Democratic Party of Canada, to be created by the forthcoming proposed merger of the New Democratic Party and the Green Party of Canada.
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Monday, March 28, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Provincial NDP and Green Party links; JOIN today!
Regional Green Party and New Democratic Party websites
Alberta New Democratic Party
Evergreen Party of Alberta
British Columbia
Green Party of British Columbia
BC provincial New Democratic Party
Green Party of Manitoba
New Democratic Party of Manitoba / Manitoba NDP
New Brunswick
Green Party of New Brunswick
New Brunswick NDP official website
Newfoundland Provincial NDP website
Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia provincial NDP website
Green Party of Nova Scotia, Canada
Green Party of Ontario official website
New Democratic Party of Ontario website
Prince Edward Island
Join PEI Green Party
Join PEI NDP Party
Parti vert du Quebec
Green Party of Quebec english website
Saskatchewan NDP website
Green Party of Saskatchewan
Yukon NDP
Yukon wing of Green Party of Canada
Please join both the NDP and the Green Party in your region, and work hard to create a union of these two crucial, valuable groups of people.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
New Democratic Party and Green Party Economic Policy
Principles guiding the Green Party of Canada Economic Plan
Reducing waste: Improving our lives
Greens are committed to improving our collective well-being. Greens recognize that we need new measurements of our societal health and well-being. Greens know that the notion of unending economic growth is a dangerous illusion. We can do far more with far less. The central driving principle of Green Economic Policy is to improve well-being by eliminating waste. Our society has embedded wasteful practices at every turn. We waste raw materials, waste water and waste energy. In fact of all the energy used by Canadians, more than half is wasted. Green economic policies aim to improve the efficiency of resource and energy use by a factor of four.
In their seminal book, Factor Four, Ernst von Weizacker, Amory B. Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins concluded: “The amount of wealth extracted from one unit of natural resources
can quadruple. Thus we can live twice as well – yet use half as much.”
There is abundant evidence to support this contention. Improvements in labour productivity drove economic growth after World War II. We must now repeat the exercise as we improve the productivity of resource and energy use.
Get the prices right
To get there from here, market distortions created by a failure to internalize externalities must be removed. In other words, we must get the prices right. The single most significant government policy tool to advance or retard economic sustainability resides in the fiscal framework.
Our fiscal plan is straightforward: Use the tax system to help meet societal and ecological goals. Get the prices right. Allow business to pursue profit, with clear signals of environmental and societal objectives.
The Green commitment to Green tax relief will:
Reduce income taxes, including a stop to the practice of over-taxing married couples.
Reduce payroll taxes.
Introduce a carbon tax, sending a clear economic signal that wasting energy and resources implies real costs.
According to an editorial in The Economist, September 9, 2006:
“Ideally, politicians would choose the more efficient carbon tax, which implies
a relatively stable price that producers can build into their investment plans.”
The Greens will also eliminate large corporate subsidies and grants programs.
It makes no sense to subsidize the wealthiest companies on Earth to make the world’s most profitable product -- a barrel of oil. These perverse subsidies must be removed. It makes sense to reduce taxes on things we want – income and employment – while increasing taxes on things we do not want, like greenhouse gases and pollution that causes smog.
Canadian businesses want two things from their government: predictability and policy coherence. The Green Government will ensure that the rules are clear, the playing field is level and decision-making is transparent.
Key societal goals:
Ensure Canadians have more time for friends, family and community engagement.
Send the right price signals to the economy. The days of cheap, abundant energy are over. A carbon tax will send that signal and generate the revenue to cut income taxes, allow “income splitting” and reduce the tax burden on small business.
Eliminate perverse corporate subsidies. No more “corporate welfare bums.” No more unpaid “loans” to government granting agencies.
Part 1: The Green Economy - Applying Green principles to economic decision-making
Français - Fondements du plan économique vert
New Democratic Party - Our Vision for Canada
The New Democratic Party believes in economic prosperity and social equality for all Canadians.
Our commitment is reflected in a vision for Canada that emphasizes strong and sustainable economic growth, strong environmental stewardship, equal rights for all, and effective social programs – including universal Medicare – that ensure no Canadian is left behind. New Democrats believe that Canada must be a leading global voice for peace and human rights on the world stage.
The statements below comprise official policy of New Democratic Party of Canada that has been drafted and endorsed by the members of the Party, everyday Canadians like you who support building a greener and more just Canada.
SECTION 1: Economy
Innovating and Prospering in the New Energy Economy
SECTION 2: Environment
NDP Canada: Building a Clean and Sustainable Economy
SECTION 3: Social Policy
NDP: Investing in a Canada Where no one is Left Behind
SECTION 4: Foreign Affairs
NDP Policy: Redefining Canada’s Place in the World
SECTION 5: Governance
NDP Canada Governing in an Inclusive and Fair Canada
SECTION 6: Rights and Heritage
NDP Canada Strengthening Human Rights and the Canadian Identity
Reducing waste: Improving our lives
Greens are committed to improving our collective well-being. Greens recognize that we need new measurements of our societal health and well-being. Greens know that the notion of unending economic growth is a dangerous illusion. We can do far more with far less. The central driving principle of Green Economic Policy is to improve well-being by eliminating waste. Our society has embedded wasteful practices at every turn. We waste raw materials, waste water and waste energy. In fact of all the energy used by Canadians, more than half is wasted. Green economic policies aim to improve the efficiency of resource and energy use by a factor of four.
In their seminal book, Factor Four, Ernst von Weizacker, Amory B. Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins concluded: “The amount of wealth extracted from one unit of natural resources
can quadruple. Thus we can live twice as well – yet use half as much.”
There is abundant evidence to support this contention. Improvements in labour productivity drove economic growth after World War II. We must now repeat the exercise as we improve the productivity of resource and energy use.
Get the prices right
To get there from here, market distortions created by a failure to internalize externalities must be removed. In other words, we must get the prices right. The single most significant government policy tool to advance or retard economic sustainability resides in the fiscal framework.
Our fiscal plan is straightforward: Use the tax system to help meet societal and ecological goals. Get the prices right. Allow business to pursue profit, with clear signals of environmental and societal objectives.
The Green commitment to Green tax relief will:
Reduce income taxes, including a stop to the practice of over-taxing married couples.
Reduce payroll taxes.
Introduce a carbon tax, sending a clear economic signal that wasting energy and resources implies real costs.
According to an editorial in The Economist, September 9, 2006:
“Ideally, politicians would choose the more efficient carbon tax, which implies
a relatively stable price that producers can build into their investment plans.”
The Greens will also eliminate large corporate subsidies and grants programs.
It makes no sense to subsidize the wealthiest companies on Earth to make the world’s most profitable product -- a barrel of oil. These perverse subsidies must be removed. It makes sense to reduce taxes on things we want – income and employment – while increasing taxes on things we do not want, like greenhouse gases and pollution that causes smog.
Canadian businesses want two things from their government: predictability and policy coherence. The Green Government will ensure that the rules are clear, the playing field is level and decision-making is transparent.
Key societal goals:
Ensure Canadians have more time for friends, family and community engagement.
Send the right price signals to the economy. The days of cheap, abundant energy are over. A carbon tax will send that signal and generate the revenue to cut income taxes, allow “income splitting” and reduce the tax burden on small business.
Eliminate perverse corporate subsidies. No more “corporate welfare bums.” No more unpaid “loans” to government granting agencies.
Part 1: The Green Economy - Applying Green principles to economic decision-making
Français - Fondements du plan économique vert
New Democratic Party - Our Vision for Canada
The New Democratic Party believes in economic prosperity and social equality for all Canadians.
Our commitment is reflected in a vision for Canada that emphasizes strong and sustainable economic growth, strong environmental stewardship, equal rights for all, and effective social programs – including universal Medicare – that ensure no Canadian is left behind. New Democrats believe that Canada must be a leading global voice for peace and human rights on the world stage.
The statements below comprise official policy of New Democratic Party of Canada that has been drafted and endorsed by the members of the Party, everyday Canadians like you who support building a greener and more just Canada.
SECTION 1: Economy
Innovating and Prospering in the New Energy Economy
SECTION 2: Environment
NDP Canada: Building a Clean and Sustainable Economy
SECTION 3: Social Policy
NDP: Investing in a Canada Where no one is Left Behind
SECTION 4: Foreign Affairs
NDP Policy: Redefining Canada’s Place in the World
SECTION 5: Governance
NDP Canada Governing in an Inclusive and Fair Canada
SECTION 6: Rights and Heritage
NDP Canada Strengthening Human Rights and the Canadian Identity
Monday, March 7, 2011
Green Democratic Party to unite progressive forces in Canada
Our goal is to inspire one million new members to join the Green Party and/or the New Democratic Party over the next three years, and to utilize the human and financial capital contributed to form a single, effective union of the progressive political forces in Canada, from BC to PEI.
The Green Democratic Party of Canada will provide a unified voice that will elevate social democrats and greens from the "gadfly" role to actually governing our nation in a responsible, responsive manner, thus benefiting all Canadians.
Join the NDP Party of Canada
Donate online to New Democratic Party of Canada
Join or donate to Green Party of Canada
We believe that uniting the New Democratic Party and the Green Party in Canada will create a powerful, positive force in the Canadian political and economic landscapes, spurring green jobs creation and providing more widespread prosperity and social equity in Canada for generations to come.
Talk Plus Action
March 2011
The Green Democratic Party of Canada will provide a unified voice that will elevate social democrats and greens from the "gadfly" role to actually governing our nation in a responsible, responsive manner, thus benefiting all Canadians.
Join the NDP Party of Canada
Donate online to New Democratic Party of Canada
Join or donate to Green Party of Canada
We believe that uniting the New Democratic Party and the Green Party in Canada will create a powerful, positive force in the Canadian political and economic landscapes, spurring green jobs creation and providing more widespread prosperity and social equity in Canada for generations to come.
Talk Plus Action
March 2011
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